

Highschool Senior
kh2freak123 has written 10 posts for WRT 102.21: Science and Society

Citations(In-class Assignment)

Dixit, Jay. “New! Improved! And Still 100 Percent Fake | Jay Dixit.” Jay Dixit. Washinton Post, 19 May 2012. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. <http://jaydixit.com/articles/washingtonpost/placebo-effect/&gt;. This article is from the Washington Post and gives a clear view of my topic. The article discusses the pros and cons of the placebo effect and references numerous studies done … Continue reading

Stasis as Invention Assignment

Facts/Problems Placebo has been around since the beginning of medicine. Many doctors and medical institutes use placebos as a method to treat patients, the question is though, is that actually an effective way to treat patients? Is a placebo better than normal medicine? How do you know that the belief in placebo is the thing … Continue reading

Research Topics

I would like to consider doing a paper on: 1) Stem cell research because that is still a big debate with lots of controversy. You have the religious groups and the science groups all arguing about it and I feel like it would be simple to find information on this topic and write about it. … Continue reading

Summary Truth About Grit

Grit The Truth about Grit is an article written by Jonah Lehrer. The article measures the strange concept of grit. Grit is basically the perseverance and willpower to keep on going until you succeed. Lehrer speaks about grit as something that people can encourage and foster within themselves and is also the key to success. … Continue reading

Moral Instincts

“Moral Instinct” is an article written by Steven Pinker in the New York Times. The article discusses the moral reasoning that all people possess and how people are tempted to rationalize things for no reason. While most people would assume that Mother Theresa has done more to help people than Bill Gates, this is simply … Continue reading

Summary + Response to Eureka

“Eureka” by Jonah Lehrer is an article about insight, that moment when someone just suddenly understands or solves something. Mark Jung-Beeman is a cognitive researcher who has spent a long period of time studying insight. In the past, the right hemisphere of the brain was considered the minor hemisphere with the left hemisphere being the … Continue reading


Susan Dominus usesĀ a question to really force the reader to think about the situation of the twins. The simple question of “What pronoun captures that?” is a questions with a million possibilities but as of now, no real answer. Would you use “she” or would you use “they,” there are just so many ways that … Continue reading

Conjoined Twins

Susan Dominus, author of “Could Conjoined Twins Share a Mind?” takes us into the world of, as the title states, two twins who are conjoined. The twins were born with the condition of craniopagus which really means that the twins are conjoined at the head. Although depressing to some, Felicia Simms took it all in … Continue reading

Thernstrom Article Analysis

1) My first thoughts after reading Thernstroms article was “Wow, technology sure has changed.” I mean, we can see a visual representation of how much pain we are in, and it’s represented as a flame of all things, that just sounds awesome to me. I could never imagine something like this before, it almost sounds … Continue reading

My Pain, My Brain – Geffy Jose (Writing 102.21)

My Pain, My Brain by Melanie Thernstrom is an article about pain in the brain and how you can control it. The author of the story had been suffering from chronic pains and underwent a study that would improve pain modulation in the body thus inhibiting pain in the body. There are several factors that … Continue reading